Engineering and Technology

Introduction to Dynamics and Control (Book with DVD)

Introduction to Dynamics and Control (Book with DVD)

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  • Description
  • About the Editor
    • Introduce certain important concepts from dynamics.
    • Provides process control techniques that are used in practice while offering detailed mathematical analysis.
    • Includes examples, problems and applications.

System dynamics (SD) is an approach to understanding the nonlinear behavior of complex systems over time using stocks,  ows, internal feedback loops, and time delays. This Text aims to allow students to develop an understanding of methods for modeling and controlling linear, time-invariant systems. This will allow students to examine the response of a system to changing inputs and to examine the in uence of external stimuli such as disturbances on system behavior. Students will also gain an understanding of how the responses of these mechanical systems can be altered to meet desired speci cations and why this is important in many engineering problem domains. The study of control systems engineering is of fundamental importance to most engineering disciplines, including Electrical, Mechanical, Mechatronic and Aerospace Engineering.

Control systems are found in a broad range of applications within these disciplines, from aircraft and spacecraft to robots, automobiles, computers and process control systems.