Computer Science

Computer Oriented Numerical Methods

Computer Oriented Numerical Methods

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  • About the Editor
    • Gives clear and precise exposition of modern numerical methods.
    • Presents a mathematical and computer-oriented approach facilitating problem solving.
    • Introduces numerical methods for differentiation and integration.

Before the advent of modern computers numerical methods often depended on hand interpolation in large printed tables. Since the mid 20th century, computers calculate the required functions instead. These same interpolation formulas nevertheless continue to be used as part of the software algorithms for solving di erential equations. Numerical analysis is concerned with all aspects of the numerical solution of a problem, from the theoretical development and understanding of numerical methods to their practical implementation as reliable and e cient computer programs. Numerical analysis naturally nds applications in all elds of engineering and the physical sciences. The growth in power and availability of digital computers has led to an increasing use of realistic mathematical models in science and engineering, and numerical analysis of increasing sophistication is needed to solve these more detailed models of the world.