Agriculture and Life Sciences

Agriscience Applications (2nd Edition) (Book with DVD)

Agriscience Applications (2nd Edition) (Book with DVD)

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  • About the Editor
    • This edition strengthens both science and technology components in agricultural education for the new millennium.
    • The text provides a wide-ranging overview of the agricultural industry and the industry-based sciences, including basic principles of science as they apply to plants, animals, soils and foods.
    • Realize the thrilling world of agriscience with this newly-updated edition of that has proven invaluable for students and practitioners.

Agriculture is concerned with the cultivation and breeding of animals, plants and fungi for food, fiber, biofuel, medicinal plants and supplementary products used to endure and develop human life. In the growth of sedentary human civilization, agriculture was the crucial development, whereby farming of domesticated species produced food excesses that fostered the development of civilization. Agricultural sector plays a dominant role in economic development of a country. Most countries economy is dependent on agriculture – either in a small or big way. From employment generation to contribution to National Income, agriculture is important. Agriculture as a concept has grown as well. A decade or two back, it was associated solely with the production of basic crops. Modern agriculture includes forestry, bee keeping, fruit cultivation, poultry, and even dairy farming. Increasing population means that there has to be an increased focus the primary sector.
This comprehensive Second Edition of ‘Agriscience Applications’ is designed to raise a basic agriculture awareness including knowledge of the agricultural industry and its applications in today’s society. Agriscience applications also focuses on studies on agricultural engineering, biotechnology, animal science, environmental science, and plant science. This handy Edition will be important to students and others interested in the field of agriculture.